Benefits of Clinical Pilates

Suffering from back pain? Is your poor posture affecting your everyday life? Or just wanting to get back into exercise safely? It sounds like you could really benefit from regular participation in a Pilates classes with an accredited Exercise Physiologists.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is designed to target core stability, strengthen your back and increase your postural awareness. It is also a great option for those wanting to tone and strengthen their body, but do not like the large gym environment.

Pilates requires great levels of concentration and focus as you move your body through precise ranges of motion, and also in finding a centre point to control your body through each movement. Each of the exercises that your Exercise Physiologist will prescribe you has a specific placement, rhythm and breathing pattern.

How can Pilates benefit my health?

There are many benefits that can be seen from regular Pilate’s participation.

These include:

  • Enhanced muscular control of your back and limbs

  • Balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body

  • Increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your ‘core muscles’ of the body including the abdominal  muscles, lower  back, hips and buttocks

  • Improved stabilisation of your spine 

  • Increased concentration, body awareness

  • Improved physical coordination, balance, flexibility and posture

  • Relaxation of shoulder, neck and upper back

  • Increased lung capacity and circulation through deep breathing

What do TSMP’s Pilates classes have to offer?

Whether you are a beginner or working at a more advanced level, TSMP’s Pilates classes cater for everyone. Although you will be in a class setting, each of the exercises are still catered to each individual’s needs and abilities. These Pilates classes consist of moving slowly though a sustained series of exercise’s with an emphasis on using core control and proper breathing. The exercises are performed using your own body weight as well as various types of small equipment to provide resistance to the muscles.

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